April 10, 2023

2. The Sustainable Dining Revolution with Elizabeth Johnson

2. The Sustainable Dining Revolution with Elizabeth Johnson

Elizabeth Johnson, a single mother facing a life-altering divorce, embarks on a journey of self-discovery in Latin America and India to establish sustainability, rediscover her ancestral roots, and bridge the culinary gap to make the world a...


Elizabeth Johnson, a single mother facing a life-altering divorce, embarks on a journey of self-discovery in Latin America and India to establish sustainability, rediscover her ancestral roots, and bridge the culinary gap to make the world a better place.

In this episode of big city small town with Bob Rivard, you will be able to:

  1. Discover the impact of Ayurveda on wholesome, plant-based cuisine for better health
  2. Uncover the sustainability challenges that modern restaurants face and potential solutions
  3. Appreciate the significance of preserving cultural heritage through culinary traditions and education
  4. Realize the advantages of supporting local produce for overall wellness and community well-being
  5. 5. Grasp the crucial role of participating in city elections and reforms for shaping local policies


Elizabeth Johnson, a renowned chef and founder of Pharm Table restaurant, brings a unique perspective to sustainability in the restaurant industry. Born in Honduras and educated at the prestigious Cordon Bleu in Mexico City, Elizabeth has a diverse background that has shaped her culinary approach. She is also a former director of Latin American cuisine instruction at the Culinary Institute of America in San Antonio. Elizabeth's personal journey with Ayurveda, a holistic approach to health, has deeply influenced her commitment to sustainable and health-focused cuisine. She now shares her knowledge and passion for using food as a tool for healing and promoting a balanced lifestyle at her restaurant, Farm Table.

The key moments in this episode are:

00:00:19 - Pharm Table Restaurant

00:04:08 - The CIA’s Impact on San Antonio Culinary Scene

00:09:10 - Elizabeth’s Ayurvedic Philosophy

00:15:34 - San Antonio: Two Cities in One

00:17:05 - San Antonio's Gastronomy and Sustainability Efforts

00:21:47 - San Antonio's Unique Food Culture and History

00:27:08 - Decolonizing Diets and Ayurvedic Principles

00:32:46 - Sustainability in the Restaurant Industry

00:33:48 - Shakeup in the Restaurant Industry During the Pandemic

00:34:40 - Challenges facing the restaurant industry

00:37:49 - The tipping culture

00:41:33 - Food is medicine

00:43:30 - Sourcing ingredients

00:47:30 - City elections and representative democracy

For more about Pharm Table, visit https://pharmtable.com